So we will try to stay brief...Could be difficult :)
While, at a birthday party last night...for a very super special kid... The big people were talking about stuff. You know the normal conversations. "This is what is like at my house".."this is what we do at our home"...and so on and so on... These are all great People, and the conversation was only positive. Somehow we started to talk about dishes and glasses being broken. true quirky fashion, "at our home", we are trying to phase out plastic, it has been challenging. So, glass is basically all we use. With 4 little ones, this means lots of accidents. Probably weekly!
We no longer own a 'set of glasses',
Oh NO...that would be too boring, RIGHT?
Jelly jars are the choice glass.
They are little enough for the babes and it is always different from anyone else.
In a big family, it can be those little things that mean all the difference.
For the big folks...well we have a couple missed matched glasses and several Mason jar...oh yeah back to the basics :)...
So if you ever have a meal, or a visit with us, please to not be offended by the lovely Mason Jar.
Hopefully, you will feel 'special' with your 'different from everyone else glass'....
Sweet Tea is always better in a Mason Jar.
We do have real Coffee Mugs, however.
The sad pictures posted are of Papa Bear's favorite Coffee Mug.
It became a casualty during a routine 'child doing dishes session'...
Yes it was a sad day.
"that sweet mug, had seen its wonderful share of days",
It is over a decade old.
It really is a wonder that it had made it this far. :) doesn't have to end there...
Especially with your help....
Momma bear seems to think there is more life to this mug...
So we need your suggestions.
What wonderful thing can this be recreated into?
(If nothing else, it is in a picture...actually it is in many pictures over the years).
If you have any fantastic and practical ideas, please share.
This Mug was a gift to Papa Bear from Momma Bear the day their first baby was born.
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