Today is Friday, this you all know.
And that means for some off us a weekend fully packed with kids :) and activities.
So, what do you all have planned for your family...
(OR for those of you not in that exact category)
What are you deliberately doing with those you love?
We are very interested to know.
It is edifying and encouraging to hear others ideas and stories
Keep in mind that staying busy is not always a means of being deliberate...
The momma bear in this house just growled...
Bare with us for what we mean...
The http://www.thefreedictionary.com/deliberate defines it as...
de·lib·er·ate (d

On a Light sided note All the pictures shown are some fantastic peoples way of being deliberate...

1. Done with or marked by full consciousness of the nature and effects;
intentional: mistook the oversight for a
deliberate insult.
2. Arising from or marked by careful consideration: a
3. Unhurried in action,
movement, or manner, as if trying to avoid error: moved at a deliberate pace. See
How about this....
unhurried - relaxed and leisurely; without hurry or haste; "people strolling about in an unhurried way"; "an unhurried walk"; "spoke in a calm and unhurried voice" |
"spoke in a calm and
OK... so Momma Bear has now,
stormed off with her hands
in the air....
..Just in case you are missing that part of story.
Momma Bear is one of the personalities in
our home, she nurtures, she cleans, she plans, and well...
she pretty much runs the show...
All of that is GREAT, but the reality is,
it is not always GOOD.

Ya See...Momma Bear,
can sometimes,
be a BEAR,
in the name of getting things done,
or getting from point A to point B.
Alright, enough of the silly...
It is just an analogy to show you all, that we as a family,
deal with challenges as does everyone else.
In fact, if we are writing about, it is probably because we are dealing with it.
Back to the Beginning of this Post....
Deliberate...what does it mean to you when it comes to your loved ones?

We are challenging ourselves to be more
deliberate in our days.
Summer is here,
and pretty much almost done,
How did that happen and go
Oh wait,
maybe it has to do with the fact that
we were just getting through to each new day.
Work, Meals, Sleep....
Birthday Parties,
Man these are fantastic...
and they definitely
consume us.
But they are not the whole picture.
From point A to point B,
how was your disposition?
What about the time in
and the time during,
how did you connect?
These questions are not to condemn,
but rather to plant as seeds, to ponder over.
Perfection will never be a reality...
Thank goodness for Grace,
Thank goodness, for Kids who forgive and forget.
A friend once said, of her demeanor towards her Children....
That she asked God "to erase their memory of how she treated them while they were little"
That is pretty serious.
To understand the heart of this women you must understand that she seeks God daily, and holds herself extremely accountable, for her actions.
The point is we all make mistakes, that is OK,
but to keep on in those same mistakes, is such a loss.
Our children, and Loved ones, will only be in our care for a short while, what will they remember of their time with us?....
What will they remember of their summer?
What will they remember of today?
we have got some work cut out for us...
better get to moving.

These are mostly for summer, but the idea is still great for any short/long term goals you and your family may have....
links in order of pictures.