Thursday, November 3, 2011

Getting Back On Our Feet

It has been a long couple of Months.
And Honestly I could not even begin to say where they have gone.
With the news of our latest expectant delivery...

EVERYTHING has been put on the back burner.
My Girls, getting them back and forth to school, (and all that is involved with that), and sometimes feeding them more than cereal, has been my only allowable focus.
I haven't had the brain power to much past that.

Wow, babies really do zap your brain cells...No way around it.
Although, I have to say, it can... at times be a blessing...

Im in ADD remission...I say that with only humor...but there is probably a lot of truth in that as well.
The wheels just aren't turning like they normally do.
But...every once in a while, I get a glimpse of what it is like to think clearly and actually get something done... It comes in spurts.

I am doing much better as far as Morning sickness and that exhaustion...
That is a huge blessing.

If there has been a 'downside'... it is the lack of energy,
and the loss of time I have missed with my girls... 
My sweet, drive me crazy, girls.
They have been great through this all...
I cant wait to 'get back on my feet', and create with them again.

My Oldest has always loved to bake and such, now my second child has taken up the desire to cook as well... And there have been many times when they have had to make dinner start to finish.

We are all working on our 'desire' to clean and straighten up... Always a work in progress.
Another one of those times when not being able to think past go, has worked in my favor. I just cant sweat it :).

In the mean time we are all preparing for the Holiday's and I am so excited. I hope my creative energy will burst forth... through all the messes... because there is so much we would like to do over the next many months...
and that is not including having a baby :)
That is pretty big, but we will get there when we get there...

Oh my new biggest obsession, especially with having no oomph to do much,
Oh Im sure that it has zap a lot of those thoughts out of me too.
But it is so inspiring to see all the wonderful things people are doing out there... And frankly Im tired of just pinning... I want to play...
So with the Holidays and Many Birthdays coming up and teacher's gifts and more...
We have got to get cracking...

Take care all.
Thank you for
Your support,
and Humor... It is what has kept us all going.