Friday, July 29, 2011


Visiting with family, and We haven't had a lot of time to stop and blog... 
We will be a bit random for the next couple weeks, but are excited to share all the fun places we explore.
Today we stopped in at a Norfolk, Va, Library. For a 'Petting Zoo'.
Remember to look for moments of Free Fun, even when you are vacationing, you maybe surprised what you happen upon.

Think FISH...and for ever breath you take...take a glup of water.

Have a Great weekend, and remember to be deliberate in you actions and words with your loved ones...
(Oh, I have a great story about trying to get out of Point A.. Nothing like kids to help keep a person grounded)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Military Discounts

This is mostly for Military Families.
Many of know there are several activities available for discounted or waved fees.

By now we all know that Bush Gardens  and its sister parks are free to Military
but there are many more discounts that many of us have not tapped into.

Last summer our family went to the frontier Museum in Staunton VA.
Now it was near the end of summer, kinda like now, and the budget by this point was kinda low.
When we went to pay they said, it was "free".... "FREE??!!"...We had such a great time. What a blessing it was... Again a family of Six, nothing is cheap. It was a wonderful Museum and we all had a great great time.

like this commercial
Thumbnail0:31The Perfect Beach Vacation  (:30) - Beach Angel TRAVELOCITY

Our favorite commercials

A link to find what Museums are in you area go to
You may be surprised at what you might find. Especially if you have a trip planned and want to find something to do in that area.... FOR FREE!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

CoMiNg uP

We truly hope that you all are enjoying our 'rambles' each day.
We are walking through the creative process gradually.

Making more and more connections as we go.

We are so excited for the direction things are heading.

Please... bare with us,
as it becomes more and more clear,
                       to you,
                                   The reader.

There is no doubt that it is a Journey, and that is the truest reflection of life.

As we stated, in our opening posts,
A large part of our focus is to make 'local' connections.
To meet the people 'around' us, and to learn their story.
Over the next couple of weeks, our family, will be doing lots of traveling.
We are visiting with loved ones and friends all over.

These weeks will be a mix of
Tidewater, VA
As well as
Staunton VA.

But even though our family and friend's love us so,
We will have to get out of their hair sometimes :)  

We have some wonderful people and activities
to help occupy all our energy, while in these travels... 
Manno God is really pulling some cool stuff together.

We would like to highlight
As many people or activities,
 as possible in this time frame.

Thinking outside the box as well.
If you have any word of mouth locations,
And people that you feel would fall in line,
With where we are headed...
(We are looking for small business owners, not just in the entertainment area. 'Family Focused'... is the main criteria. But that does not just mean fun for the whole family, it also encompasses, services and products for your home and life. It is hard to let go and have fun, when you know you have to take care of things at home.)

Would you,
PLEASE send us a message?!

We will showcase
Each one on our blog,
So that you the reader
Will be more
'Who' and 'What',
Is around you.
Remembering how important, 
true 'word of mouth' really is

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Victory Sweet Victory

Our Family has been interested in the idea of 'Victory Gardens' for some time.

With so much talk of bringing home troops, it seems like the perfect time to promote a Victory garden... 
Although we'd love to keep our guy home, all the time...
There are practical reasons, more so than sentimental, for our interest.

When these troops do come home, and they are, what happens to the selection at your favorite stores? It is already looking a bit sad, especially with this heat.

bit of history:
At the end of WWII, the crops were looking a bit scarce. All efforts had been focused on the war. Any and every able body was a part of that effort. It could be assumed that many of our fighters were from farms and rural areas, leaving the work force at a minimal.

WWII also gave women a dramatic shift their primary role...These were all for the greater good, and brought about wonderful opportunities.
As a country however, some things were left behind. The government knew this. (They know a lot before we realize it.) And on this one, They, may have got it right.
At wars end the government began promoting, diligently, to plant victory gardens in an effort to support the war and returning troops...
Maybe they were a little concerned that the food supply would not be able to sustain the flux of returning soldiers. JUST A THOUGHT...
Poster's went up in high volume, including magazine ads.
Canning was highly encouraged,
and so called

Fast Forward to the present:
Have you notice many similarities?
Our 'Boys' are coming home.
The food supply is adequate at best.
And WOW haven't you notice the sudden push for canning...

What ever your reason,
What ever your motivation.
It is always 'vogue' to plant your own food.

With all the promotions,
and amazing information available,
planting your own garden has become much easier
and less and less a 'forgone' concept.

For us,
We will plant our garden for our guy.
Our Special Soldier.

Fall is upon us.
What a wonderful time to start your own VICTORY GARDEN...
There are so many different sites to check out,
To help aid you as you choose your Victory Garden.

Don't forget what an amazing source you have in your local farmers, and Neighbors.
Talk to them, THEY LOVE TO TALK...
and why not, they are passionate about what they do.

Many Farmers at your local Farmers Markets will have seedlings.
If you are 'fresh' at planting,
this may be a good start for you.

Just remember to not give up,
gardening has a learning curve.
The only way to figure it out,
Is to try.

We added links to Farmers Markets, on the State Pages.

Victory gardens were vegetable gardens planted during the world wars to ensure an adequate food supply for civilians and troops. Government agencies, private foundations, businesses, schools, and seed companies all worked together to provide land, instruction, and seeds for individuals and communities to grow food.

From California to Florida, Americans plowed backyards, vacant lots, parks, baseball fields, and schoolyards to set out gardens. Children and adults fertilized, planted, weeded, and watered in order to harvest an abundance of vegetables.

Colorful posters and regular feature articles in newspapers and magazines helped to get the word out and encouraged people to stick with it. The goal was to produce enough fresh vegetables through the summer for the immediate family and neighbors. Any excess produce was canned and preserved for the winter and early spring until next year's victory garden produce was ripe.

Throughout the World War II years, millions of victory gardens in all shapes and sizes--from window boxes to community plots--produced abundant food for the folks at home. While the gardens themselves are now gone, posters, seed packets and catalogs, booklets, photos and films, newspaper articles and diaries, and people's memories still remain to tell us the story of victory gardens.

More current information for modern victory garden

Monday, July 25, 2011

Tax free Weekend

Many States have made their 'Tax free Weekend' a yearly event.
With July closing up this weekend, we will enter August with a Tax Free Weekend for the dates of  August 5 - August 7th.
Remember to still do you math.
Just because a store advertises products as 'Tax Free', does not necessarily mean it is the best bargain.
Start your list now, so that you will be prepared to take advantage of what ever deals may come your way.
Example, lots of stores will have sales this weekend.
The better prepared you are ahead of time, the less likely you will be to 'recklessly' take advantage of deals.
And when the day actually comes around you can actually still feed your kids lunch whether at school or at home :)

We have attached Pages of 3 states with tax free exemptions.
Please feel free to send other links for us to add.
You might be surprised at what is include, i.e. ballet slippers, for NC..who knew?

MoNdAy, SweET mOnDAy

OH...And we are already off to a new week.
We pray you all had a wonderful weekend packed full of great memories.

Our weekend flew by way to fast, as it normally does. BUT..... because of our post at the end of last week, about being deliberate, our weekend had a little more focus than normal.

Thank You everyone.
You see, when you put something out there like... 
'Do good stuff for your family'.... 
It holds you accountable.

SO we had a list of wonderful things to do this weekend.
Straighten the house....That sounds soooo boring, but it really makes a difference in your overall demeanor...ahhh.
Paint bird houses that we have had sitting for over 6 years...
Go to the FARMERS MARKET....
GO to the Library.
AND ENJOY EACH OTHER, like a happy family from a 50's tv serious....

This is what happens when left unattended...Yes we were trying to get ready to head out.
Yeah well... it didn't all happen....
But you know what?
It was ok.
Because in the back of our minds we had resolved,
prior to the hustle and bustle of the weekend,
that we would, above all, enjoy ourselves and each other.
That did happen.

The guy in the house was able to help some wonderful new friends move into their FIRST HOME...that is pretty special. It meant, however, the use of our main vehicle, the one that seats us all. BECAUSE, it is able to pull our trailer....
SO can you guess the trickle affect...
We were house bound for the day.
POINT A and POINT B, went out the window.

OH but what happen next was amazing...remember the mention of Dave Ramsey early last week, well.... we also 'started' that with our little ones. It is a Commission Chart. Not to be confused with allowance...(We will surely address this in another post later)...

Our oldest went with her daddy to 'help' our friends move. She is 10. Not sure how much moving she was going to do, but she was able to 'help' with their little ones. Allowing her the opportunity to be the big girl.

Most of you know when one child is out of the normal routine, the dynamics completely change...

 So our 2nd oldest, our goal oriented 8yr old, got her Commission Chart out. She proceeded to write her ENTIRE list of chores. She was going to make some bucks.

First on her list,
Out the door she goes with baggies in hand....ahhhh really?
Next dishes, and trash, and this and that....... It went on for ever and ever....
Not once did I... YES I, the momma.... Have to ask for her to do anything...
In fact, several times I asked her if she could take a break.
She would look at her list and ponder...
"ahhh, When I finish....'this and this and this', I can take a break".
SHE inspired me to continue on.
There were many times that I wanted to stop, and I would look at her as she diligently kept to keeping, and thought to myself, 'I can't stop, cus she wont!'..
Oh my, it was a Beautiful Day!!

Ok to recap...what shifted....
We had mental plans,
After the Library, reading/singing a nursery rhyme book/cd 
They didn't happen the way we envisioned...
We moved on and choose to be flexible.
In that we opened our hearts to be blessed and to bless each other.
I the momma, stood out of the mix, enough to allow my daughters to set their own pace, and had my socks blown off...

Now, not every day is filled with joys and splenders, but this was a day that I will not forget.
AND my children, well... they all had a chance to grow, in themselves, a little more.

So AGAIN I, the momma, am Thankful...Because of You, I was held accountable to my own words.

We did not get to go to the Farmer's Market,
We did not get to paint the 6yr old bird houses, but they still wait for us :)
Obviously, we did get to straighten our home.
And we did, eventually, get to go to the Library.
That is a story in its self.
While sitting at the kiddie table in the kiddie section of the Library,
I sat with the most amazing kid book...
It brought tears to my eyes...
it took me EVERYTHING to hold my tears back,
really at the library in the kids section?... 
I will share this book with you all.
It is about community...hahaha
Funny, how God does that, huh?

For all of you reading, how was your weekend?
What shifts did you encounter?
What memories will you choose to keep?

I can not tell you all enough of how thankful we are
that you are reading along as we journey along.
There is so much power in words. 
They can teardown and they can edify,
but most importantly they hold, their user, accountable.
Please, I employ you all to, hold us accountable to our words.
And We Challenge You, to do the same, in your day to day connections.
This is what happened while I was posting...Yes please hold me accountable.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Hi, Everyone...
Enjoy your Loved ones.
Refresh in your day. 

a new week awaits us all.